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Mental Health Week is a national week celebrated each year around World Mental Health Day on October 10. In 2019, the theme of WA Mental Health Week is about community and that mental health starts where we live, learn, work and play.

With one in five (20%) of Australians aged 16-85 experiencing a mental illness in any year our Mental Health Service is aimed at providing supported accommodation to these individuals that are struggling with an enduring and persistent mental health diagnosis.

Vinnies Mental Health Service Manager, Hazel Beirne said, “We recognise the importance of recovery-oriented practice and aim to ensure that our services create and supports an environment that enables people living with a mental health diagnosis to live a meaningful and contributing life in the community of their choice”.
Our Mental Health Service consists of a facility called “The Village” and Community Shared Houses. The Village is a 28-unit facility which provides a recovery focused supported accommodation that provides trauma informed care.

Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Stacey (pictured left with her brother, Will) turned to our Mental Health Service for support after a psychotic breakdown due to an infection. Now living in The Village since March 2018, Stacey said, “I feel happy here at The Village as everyone is very kind”.