With one week to go until National Dressed by Vinnies Day we are all excited to wear our repurposed outfits.
By getting Dressed by Vinnies you will be helping support your community and shopping sustainably by recycling and reducing waste. The profits from your purchase will also go towards assisting over 50,000 Western Australians who turn to Vinnies as they struggle through tough times. Your support will help fund our mental health, emergency assistance, financial counselling, housing accommodation and youth services.
Globally, the fashion industry has become the second largest polluting industry in the world as it contributes 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon towards greenhouse gas emissions every year. With each Australian buying an average of 27kg of new textiles and discarding 23kg into landfill annually this is more than double the global consumption average of 13kg a person. By shopping at Vinnies it means you can reduce your carbon footprint and reduce the amount of reusable clothing going to landfill.
Vinnies volunteers (pictured below) are keen to wear their outfits on Dressed by Vinnies Day. These repurposed items were all purchased from their local Vinnies shop.
If you haven’t bought your outfit yet it isn’t too late. To get involved, visit your local Vinnies shop, choose something you love, wear it on the day and share it using the hashtag #DressedbyVinnies/#VinniesWA and tag us on @vinniesWA.
There is a free styling guide to help you discover stylish and unique clothes, which can be found on the Dressed by Vinnies website: dressedby.vinnies.org.au. Have fun shopping sustainably and discovering fabulous clothing. Your local Vinnies is a treasure trove of goodness waiting for you.